Carbrooke History & Heritage

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Carbrooke is traditionally an agricultural village in Norfolk, and part of the ancient ‘Wayland Hundred’. The village has a surprising and fascinating history with influences through the centuries from around the world. In recent years as with many other places in Britain, it has undergone dramatic changes.

‘Carbrooke Heritage Group,’ was formed in 2012. The group has been involved in a number of projects to research, log and publish aspects of village history, and to raise the profile of Carbrooke and its heritage. The aim of this website is to bring together this information.

If you have any comments, information, anecdotes or photos, please contact us.

Read more about Carbrooke Heritage Group and activities & projects. 

This site includes, a brief resume of Carbrooke history and heritage with interesting facts and figures.

Mapping Carbrooke, explores the roads and areas of Carbrooke and their heritage. There is a list and heritage of the farms in Carbrooke, past and present. 

Discover more about an archaeological dig  carried out at the school in 1998 prior to building extensions. The Church page  details church activities, history, architecture and connections with the Knights of St John, also known as the Knights Hospitallers. The Nonconformists were active in Carbrooke during 19th and 20th centuries.

The main occupation in Carbrooke for centuries, was agriculture. The Agricultural heritage page explores this subject and the trades and industries page details the occupations necessary to support agriculture and village life.  Discover more about community on the Carbrooke social life page, and sport and entertainment. Find out about the Village Hall, a community venue for indoor entertainment and Carbrooke Millennium Green an 11 acre site, for all ages to enjoy outdoor life, ecology, games and village events. Find out about utilities, the necessities of life and how they have been introduced to improve everyday life in Carbrooke.

Read about the history of Carbrooke School from foundation to the present day, a much loved school through the years. Heritage projects relating to the school, such as the Wall Hanging‘An Ocean Apart’, and Transcription of the school log. The Playgroup page describes Carbrooke Nursery from its beginnings as a parent led group, today it is part of the school.

Find useful information for family and social historians with Carbrooke ancestry, including Parish registers & Census entries. Read personal memories and more about Carbrooke people who have made a difference in the community or led fascinating lives.

The military pages describe how World War OneWorld War Two and the Aerodrome affected Carbrooke. Read about the instigation of the Carbrooke War Memorial. The ‘Carbrooke Poppies’, was a community memorial project for Remembrance Day 2018. Read more about the re-discovery, renovation and presentation, of rare civil war parish armour.

The Heritage group organised a project to design, construct and install at various locations, explanation boards detailing Carbrooke history. The British love to talk about the weather, and sometimes, it really is worth talking about, as we look into extraordinary weather events in Carbrooke through time. As we are living through history we record the unprecedented events of 2020.

The ‘Boy Tom’ keeps us up to date, on life and news, in Norfolk Dialect, which can be found on the external Carbrooke Magazine Page. 

Find Publications and Links to items of interest relating to Carbrooke Heritage, an index to other sites or references. Slideshows and photos of Carbrooke created under various subjects can be found on the Gallery page.

In the church, there is a ‘Teddy Trail’ to appeal to the younger generation. It tells the story of the heritage and people of Carbrooke through teddies.

Upcoming Events and Projects. 

The Heritage group hold casual fortnightly meetings in the Village Hall. Sometimes we work on projects, at other times we chat about aspects of Carbrooke Heritage.

All welcome.

Next Meeting – Friday 26th July 2.30pm

Harvest Tea

Friday 23rd September 2-4 pm 2022

Carbrooke Village Hall

Afternoon Tea to celebrate Harvest and Agriculture in Carbrooke. Hosted by the Heritage Group. Slideshow, photographs, display of old farm implements, model machinery and Carbrooke Teddies. Come along to chat and reminisce about Carbrooke in days gone by. We would love to see any photos or memorabilia you may like to bring along.

Everyone welcome. No charge.

Next Heritage Group Meeting and AGM – date to be confirmed in the Village Hall

Page Last Updated 05.08.2022