in Carbrooke.
Carbrooke in Norfolk is an agricultural village, and has a surprising and fascinating history, with influences through the centuries from around the world
For a group of people to become a community, there must be a social life. For the majority of the population throughout history, most of their time was spent working, but when they had the opportunity to relax, enjoy themselves and create their social community, they did, and much has been achieved in Carbrooke to make village life what it is today.

Carbrooke Dance Club, began in the 1940’s, started up by vicar George Chambers. It continued to operate in the village hall, until around 2015.

Carbrooke Village Coronation Hall Founded 1956 to create an indoor venue for village activities.

Carbrooke Village Millenium Green A green space at the centre of the village, which attracts people from far and wide.

Sport and Entertainment in Carbrooke

Carbrooke WI Raised funds for various local and national charities.
Carbrooke Census: A fascinating and useful resource for family and social historians.
New Penny News Carbrooke Village magazine, originally began in 1969 as a school publication, ‘The Ha’Penny News’, then ‘Penny News’, and now well established as ‘The New Penny News’ – ‘All the Village News and Views’. This link will take you to the online editions.
Carbrooke Appraisal 2001: In 2001 a village appraisal was commissioned, it makes interesting reading some 20 years later, we can see how many things have changed….and how many stay the same!
Carbrooke celebrates for the end of Crimean War
These days, the Crimean war may not be a well known part of British history, although many of us may have heard of ‘The charge of the Light Brigade’, and of Florence Nightingale, who recognised the importance of cleanliness and kindness in military nursing, and which was introduced into general nursing. It is hard to know how much Carbrooke people would have known about the Crimean War in 1856, but this piece published in ‘Norfolk Chronicles’, details how they celebrated the ending of the war.
The inhabitants of Carbrooke being desirous that the poor should not be forgotten on the restoration of peace, a liberal subscription was raised by the principal inhabitants of the parish, with a few of their friends, and Thursday, June 26th, being the day fixed for the occasion, early in the morning the bells, as usual, sent forth their merry praise[e], followed by the firing of guns at various intervals during the day. Preparations were going on in different parts of the village in erecting arches and a good display of flags and mottoes, whilst the flags of our brave allies floated in the breeze, and persons were busily engaged arranging tables for all. Preparations being ready by three o’clock, the poorer classes, who were to partake, began to arrive in family groups and family parties, and by the time they had taken their seats, the band struck up “O the Roast Beef of old England”, and at four o’clock 500 well ordered and neatly attired men, women and children were regaled with roast beef, plum-puddings and a bountiful supply of beer. Grace was appropriately chanted. After dinner the health of the Queen was proposed and drank with three times three hearty cheers, followed by other toasts. which were kindly responded to. The Watton band performed well the usual tunes on such occasions. The company sang “God save the Queen”, and “Rule Britannia”. The persons employed as carvers and waiters also sat down, in a commodious booth, to the same English fare. After dinner the rustic sports began with a donkey race, followed by boys and girls running for varius prizes, jumping in sacks and jingling matches, climbing the pole, and dancing. In the evening some good fireworks were displayed, which excited much delight, and the festivities concluded with a large bon-fire, which terminated a day of mirth and amusement to the inhabitants of Carbrooke and adjoining villages, from 2,000 to 3,000 persons being present.
Page last Updated 07.11.2023