Family Tree Carbrooke

Carbrooke, is an agricultural village in Norfolk, and has a surprising and fascinating history, with influences through the centuries from around the world.

If your family has links to Carbrooke, the following information may help you trace your ancestry.

If you have created a website or family tree of your own which contains Carbrooke folk, would you be prepared to share it. We can include links to personal websites here, and would like to add any family trees to the Carbrooke one below.

Carbrooke Family Tree. A Gedcom file contains Carbrooke folk extracted from Parish Records (1812-1915), Census returns (1841-1911), WW1 Memorials. It is in early stages, but we hope eventually to add as much information as possible about the previous inhabitants of Carbrooke. If you would like a copy, please contact us.

A gedcom file is the format in which family trees can be imported into different family tree programs. (eg, Family Tree Maker, PAF, Generations). 

Memories of Carbrooke Life as a child – 1930’s/40’s  A fascinating insight into life in Carbrooke during 1930’s and early years of WW2 by Doreen Gotts (nee Harvey) who was born in Carbrooke 1931, and passed away September 2020.
 A message from her daughter, June – “Shortly after I received your email I explained to mum you had been in touch, and why. She was very moved to think that her little story of Carbrooke should be of such interest. “Whoever would have thought it?” she said to me. Sadly, a couple of days after your email mum was taken into hospital where she passed away the following Tuesday:   
Such was her love of the village that she had asked for all donations to be given to Carbrooke School, in the village she loved – and specifically for the school – to provide educational equipment for the pupils, to give them a better education than the one she’d had (you will recall she hardly went to school because she had contracted tuberculosis as a child)”. 

Memories of a Carbrooke Childhood in 1960’s

Memories from David Vincent, who spent a number of his childhood years in Carbrooke living with, and visiting with his Grandparents during 1960’s. Fascinating resume of school life, people and places.

Norfolk Baptism Project: A very useful site for anybody researching Norfolk ancestry. Carbrooke Baptism records 1812 -1880 have been added to this database.Hosted by ROOTSWEB

Carbrooke (St Peter & Paul Church) Baptisms 1881-1920

Carbrooke (St Peter & St Paul Church) Marriages 1813 – 1901

Carbrooke (St Peter & St Paul Church) Burials 1813 – 68

Carbrooke Surnames 1881

The 1841 Carbrooke Census was taken on night of 6th June.

County of Norfolk, Hundred of Wayland, Parish of Carbrooke

Superintendant Registrars District: Wayland, Registrars District: Watton

Enumeration District 2 : All the South side of the Parish of Carbrooke, from Watton Boundary by the turnpike, to Carbrooke Mill Road, from thence to Chapel Street, Wood Farm and Cottage, Broadmore Road to Caston and Rockland Gap Boundary, by Griston Bounds to Southmore in Carbrooke.

Enumeration District 3: All the North side of the Parish of Carbrooke, containing Church Street, Manor house and Cottage adjoining Cranworth Boundary, Fen Road and Street by Ovington Bounds to Caudel Green, Drury Lane and Bridge Street in Carbrooke.

The 1851 Carbrooke Census was taken on night of 30 March.

Statistics:  749 Persons living in 161 dwellings, 3 uninhabited dwellings

County of Norfolk, Hundred of Wayland, Parish of Carbrooke, Superintendant Registrars District: Wayland, Registrars District: Watton

Part 1: All that part of the parish of Carbrooke which lies west of the road, leading through the street up of Summer Lane to the Griston Boundary including the cottages on the Fen, Drury Lane, West side of the Street, the houses by the boundary (and on) the Turnpike south of the above named line (de li).

Part 2: All that part of the parish of Carbrooke which lies east of the street up of summer lane to the Griston boundary including all the houses east side of the street, the cottages up of the grounds, the houses in the road leading to Scoulton, the Hall, the houses in the turnpike east side of the above named line the cottages by the Rockland Gap, Mill house by Caston, Red Barn House and Cottages, etc etc

The 1861 Census was taken on night of 7th April.

Statistics:   Persons living in  dwellings,  uninhabited dwellings

County of Norfolk, Hundred of Wayland, Parish of Carbrooke, Superintendant Registrars District: Wayland, Registrars District: Watton

Part 1 (WEST): All that part of the parish of Carbrooke which lies west of the road, leading from Shipdham Road to the Griston Boundary called Summer Lane, including the houses in Church Street, the cottages and farm on the turnpike to the Watton boundary, the cottages in Drury Lane, the Farm and cottages in the Fen Road, and in the Fen, the farm adjoining the Ovington Boundary.

Part 2 (EAST): All that part of the parish of Carbrooke which lies east of the aforesaid road, called Summer Lane including the cottages in Broadmoor Lane, Knights Farm and cottage, and those in the street, Ash Farm, the cottages in the Mill Lane, the farm and the cottages by the Griston boundary, the Hall and houses on the turnpike to the aforesaid Summer Lane, Red Barn Farm and Cottages thereby, with the Mill House by the Caston Boundary.

1871 Carbrooke Census was taken on night of 2nd April.

Statistics:   704 Persons (361 males, 343 females) living in 166 dwellings, 11 uninhabited dwellings

County of Norfolk, Hundred of Wayland, Parish of Carbrooke, Superintendant Registrars District: Wayland, Registrars District: Watton

Part 1 (WEST): All that part of the parish of Carbrooke which lies west of the road, leading from Shipdham to the Griston Boundary called Summer Lane, including the houses in the Street, the cottages and the farms on the turnpike to the Watton boundary, the cottages in Drury Lane, the Farms and cottages in the Fen Road, and on the Fen, the farm adjoining the Ovington Boundary. etc etc

Part 2 (EAST): All that part of the parish of Carbrooke which lies east of the road, leading fromShipdham to the Griston Boundary called Summer Lane including the cottages in Broadmoor Lane, Knights Farm and cottage, and those in the Street, Ash Farm, the cottages in Mill Lane, the farm and the cottages by the Griston boundary, and the Hall and houses on the Turnpike to Summer Lane, the Red Barn Farm, Birds Farm and Cottages, and the Mill House by the Caston Boundary.

The 1881 census was taken on night of 3rd April.

The 1891 Carbrooke Census was taken on night of 5th April.

This link will take you to a transcribed database. Entries in red are either illegible or undecipherable.

All 1891 census entries for those living in Carbrooke included in Carbrooke Family Tree

Statistics:   Persons ( males,  females) living in  dwellings,  uninhabited dwellings

County of Norfolk, Hundred of Wayland, Parish of Carbrooke, Superintendant Registrars District: Wayland, Registrars District: Watton

The 1901 Carbrooke Census was taken on night of 31st March.

This link will take you to a transcribed database. Entries in red are either illegible or undecipherable.

All 1901 census entries for those living in Carbrooke included in Carbrooke Family Tree

Statistics:   552 Persons (268 males, 284 females) living in 133 dwellings, 10 uninhabited dwellings, 4 Buildings.

The 1911 Carbrooke Census was taken on night of 2nd April.

This link will take you to a transcribed database. Entries in red are either illegible or undecipherable.

All 1911 census entries for those living in Carbrooke included in Carbrooke Family Tree

Statistics:    545 Persons ( males,  females) living in  140 dwellings,  uninhabited dwellings,  Buildings.

1939 National Register

The 1939 Register for Carbrooke, Scoulton, and Ovington are included here. Taken on 7th October 1939.

Entries given on ‘sheet 2’ and ‘sheet 4’

Carbrooke Descendants


I have been drawn to your website looking for further information on the Tolman family. My earliest record in you village is 1788

1788: May 20 – Marriage record at St Peter and St Paul Church Carbrooke – Entry 1 John Tolman a Bachelor of this parish married Mary Downing a Spinster of this parish

Witness: Thomas Goddard and John Little

Notes: By banns. Bride and groom signed with X

 From what we have discovered we believe the Tolman’s came from the Walsham le Willows area of Suffolk. There were two brothers, Richard and John. Richard lived for a while in Thompson, John married and lived in Carbrooke. By 1803 Richard and his family had moved to Carbrooke with John. What brought them to the village we can only assume was work.

As we are still researching we would welcome any help and or anything you wish to share if you have documents or stories which we could use to build a bigger picture.

 What we have collected is on my website a link below.

 Look forward to hearing from you.

 Ray Taylor


Lesley Brighting from New Zealand is a descendant of Henry Thimblethorpe who sold land for the erection of Carbrooke Methodist Church c1870. If you have any connection, or further information I’m sure Lesley would be interested in hearing from you.

30th June 2012

Hi there
I have just discovered the website and was very interested to read the paragraph about land being purchased from
Henry Thimblethorpe for a Methodist church. Henry was my great great grandfather – lovely to find a little snippet of information, so thank you
for the work you’ve done on the website. I currently live in New Zealand but we’re planning a trip to UK in 2 years,
and am hoping to visit Carbrooke while we’re there.

Lesley visited Carbrooke 2014.


Nick Palmer is a related descendant of Carbrooke farmer, Daniel Bullen, who famously lived to be 104, if you have any links to this family or further information, I’m sure Nick would be very pleased to hear from you. Link to Daniel Bullen

Hello Carbrooke.

I have been reading with interest the Carbrooke details on the web.

I have in the past supplied many decendents to Dan Bullen for some yrs including Ann Deizt and others with various photos and details of Dan Bullen, i would think Nick Palmer may well have copies of these if he has corrosponded with Ann..

I once worked for a George Page a local poultry dealer at Merton many yrs ago. .

His wife Dorothy was the Granddaughter to Dan Bullen, i beleive its her in one of the pictures with Dan.  Some of the pictures Dan with the pitch fork were staged, there is one that shows Dan with a pitch fork  hey/straw over his shoulder, he was quite frail at this point, an old friend of mine told me he helped him lift it above his head, just so they could take a photo.

Dorothy Page once told me she was related to Anne Boleyn, and it seems there is still people out there trying to prove so, but as Anne never had children it would be via a relation of A B i suspect.  

Some yrs ago i made video of Mr Saunders ( one of the Saunders brothers that farmed in Carbrooke) slide show of old Carbrooke, where he talked through the pictures on show, I gave him the copy but never kept one for myself, so i wonder if anyone has seen it?It was one of my attempts at recording village history. 

I have a question of my own please. I am in search of any details on a Robert John High, known as “The Major”, he lived in the village where he rode a cycle through the village quite often, and was quite a character iam told. I have very little on him apart from he died Feb 1959. If there are any details i would love to hear them..

Kind regards Tony. 


My name is Anthony Boddy.  The census returns shew that my family originated in Carbrooke. They were not rich, they were shepherds. One of them, Anthony, married a lady with some money from Watton called Hannah Read. She must have had some money for they bought their son, also Anthony, an apprenticeship as a bricklayer. He did well and built up a business and the family moved to Heigham. The business continued to do well and my grandfather built the City of Norwich School. My father and his brother were Nos. 1 & 2 on the school register. The names Anthony and Read have been in every generation of the family ever since those far off days.  I have never been to Carbrooke, but I do hope to visit it soon and drink in the atmosphere.

Page last Updated 28.03.2022